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內容簡介: 博客來'Designer Portraits'的出版,是源於2007年在Lucerne舉辦的"Kunstzone D4 - Desingerportraits'的海報展覽。瑞士平面設計師及攝影師Melchior Imboden使用照相機,令平常只躲在作品背後的設計師師走出來,面對了觀眾,其中包括了為Rolling Stones設計唱片封套的設計師,也有瑞士銀行鈔票的設計者,還有香港的代表—靳埭強及黃炳培(Stanley Wong / 又一山人);更富趣味的是,Imboden把這120張肖像與每一個設計師的作品並列,製造出一種對攝影與海報設計的迷戀的完美和諧。一本500頁名為"Designer Portraits'的書就此誕生。
Portraits of graphic designers and a 500-page publication. This was the point of departure for the exhibition of Kunstzone 04 2007. The motivation for Melchior Imboden and the 04 Business Center Luzern in taking on such a drunting progect was to combine in perfect harmony the fascination for photography and poster design. World stars in graphic design took part.
About Hesign Publishing:從2002年開始,hesign team不斷嘗試架構于歐亞之間的出版合作。和hesign從事藝術與平面設計的專業性相符,出版的專業重點著眼於平面設計和fine art兩大類書籍。前期的出版主要和中國國家出版社合作,以介紹現代藝術、國際平面設計狀況和歐洲平面設計教育為主要內容,編輯了大量時效性、權威性的現代藝術和平面設計的專業學術圖書。這些集結多種語言的圖書出版,在中國和歐洲的年輕設計師、藝術家和藝術類院校的學生間造成較大影響。這些出版物潛移默化中啟迪了在探索試驗階段的年輕藝術家、設計師們,更為中西間的專業交流灌注了現代意義。
Hesign 的出版圖書包括:(節選)《Before 30》(德國柏林Hentrich &Hentrich出版社,2001年);《Painting》(德國柏林Hentrich &Hentrich出版社,2002年);《設計 + 生活 I 》叢書(嶺南美術出版社,10冊,2003年);《名師高徒》(中國青年出版社,6冊,2004年); 《4xYouth》(湖南美術出版社,4冊,2005年);《設計 + 生活 II》叢書(重慶出版社,10冊,2005年);《Painting-Walter Ding》(德國柏林Hentrich &Hentrich出版社,2005年); 並參與出版《New Graphic》雜誌等。
Since 2002, the hesign team has been experimenting with Europe-Asia collaboration in publishing. Capitalizing on its professionalism in art and graphic design, hesign specializes in the publication of books on two subjects - graphic design and fine arts. hesign’s earlier publications were launched with the collaboration from the Chinese national presses, intended to familiarize their Chinese audience with modern art, international graphic design and European education in graphic design. hesign edited a great number of up-to-date and authoritative volumes on modern art and graphic design, which, in a variety of languages, had quite an influence among young designers, artists and art school students both in China and Europe. In a subtle manner, these publications inspired many young artists and designers, who were still testing the water in the field of graphic design. They also brought forth a sense of modernity in the professional exchange between China and the West in art and graphic design. hesign’s publications include: (selected)
Before 30, Berlin, Germany: Hentrich & Hentrich Press, 2001;
Painting, Berlin, Germany: Hentrich & Hentrich Press, 2002;
Design +Life I (10 vols.), PR China: Lingnan Art Publishing House, 2003;
Masters & Students (6 vols.), PR China: China Youth Press, 2004;
4xYouth, Hunan Art Publishing House, 2005;
Design +Life II (10 vols.), PR China: Chongqing Publishing House, 2005;
Painting – Walter Ding, Berlin, Germany: Hentrich & Hentrich Press, 2005.博客來網路書店
Apart from the above-mentioned publications, hesign is also involved in the publishing of the magazi博客來網路書局ne, New Graphic.
Since 2005, hesign has been seeking independent financing of publishing and circulation. Once more, it has fixed its eyes on the publishing of au courant, multilingual works on art and design, which will be simultaneously circulated on the book markets of both Asia and Europe.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Melchior Imboden
- 出版社:香港kubrick 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2007/11/01
- 語言:英文
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